On behalf of the Board of Directors of the International Research Center for Animal Welfare (IRCAW), we wish to extend a warm welcome to you to attend the 2025 International Symposium on Animal Environment and Welfare (ISAEW 2025) in Rongchang, Chongqing, China.


Livestock farming is a pillar of the global food system and a critical contributor to poverty reduction and food security. Although livestock farming has advanced significantly in the past decades globally, there is room to improve for productively, efficiency and sustainability. Challenges include waste management; emerging animal diseases; rising feed and energy cost; labour shortage, and societal/ consumer acceptance.


ISAEW provides a venue to bring together researchers, industrial leaders, and policy makers to address the challenges through sharing information, knowledge, and ideas. The symposia have provided a convergence platform for multi-disciplinary researchers from various parts of the world to identify the current challenges and future research directions; exchange the latest research findings; inspire the next-generation scientists and leaders; and promote on-farm adoption of technologies. The characteristics of the symposia in terms of global relevancy of the subject matters addressed, innovative and cutting-edge nature of research, quality of the presentations and publications, and unparalleled hospitality of the hosts have established the symposium one of the must-attend academic symposia that address the environment and animal welfare issues in livestock farming, both nationally and internationally. The symposia have proven to be impactful in terms of advancing scientific knowledge, developing technologies applicable for adoption by farmers worldwide, training future researchers and leaders, and providing a roadmap for future research and development that will be critical to sustainably feed the world for generations to come.


ISAEW is a biennial event organized by the International Research Center for Animal Environment and Welfare, which is headquartered in Chongqing Academy of Animal Sciences (CAAS) in Rongchang, Chongqing, China, and consists of 30 institutional members representing 12 countries, including China, the United States of America, Canada, the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Italy, Croatia, Germany, Australia, Brazil, and South Korea. In the past 14 years, the symposia have attracted thousands of academic scientists, graduate students, industry leaders and professionals, and government officials from more than 20 countries in six continents.


We look forward to your participation in 2025!

Qiang Zhang, Symposium Co-chair


University of Manitoba, Canada

Baoming Li, Symposium Co-chair


China Agricultural University, China


ISAEW 2023

ISAEW 2021

ISAEW 2019

ISAEW 2017


I. Intensive Livestock Farming and Sustainability

  1. 1.Impact of large-scale livestock operations on environment
  2. 2.Intensive livestock farming, land use, and labor challenge and possible solutions
  3. 3.Economic analysis of livestock operations: cost of production and profitability
  4. 4.Gas and particulate emissions from livestock operations
  5. 5.Renewable energy and energy-saving practices in livestock operation
  6. 6.Water usage and water-saving practices in livestock operation


II. Livestock Housing Systems

1.Innovative livestock housing systems for sustainability

2.High-rise (multistory) housing systems

3.Digital and smart housing systems

4.Production efficiency, safety, and risk management

5.Space requirements for optimal welfare and efficiency

6.Animal product safety and traceability

7.On-farm automation


III. Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) and Animal Welfare

  1. 1.Benefits of PLF: animal welfare and health, environment, economics, and labor
  2. 2.Artificial intelligence, machine learning, data analysis, and IoT for PLF applications
  3. 3.Sensors and robotics for PLF applications
  4. 4.Smart equipment and tools: environmental control, feeding, watering, milking, behavior monitoring
  5. 5.Cybersecurity in livestock operations – challenges and solutions
  6. 6.Adoption of PLF and other technologies by farmers
  7. 7.Social and economic aspects of new technologies for livestock farming


IV. Climate Change and Livestock Production

  1. 1.Extreme weather (heat or cold waves) and its impact on livestock farming
  2. 2.Public-private partnerships toward climate-smart livestock production


V.Resource utilization of livestock and poultry waste.

  1. 1.Monitoring and measurement of GHG emissions
  2. 2.Strategies and technologies for GHG emission reduction
  3. 3.Carbon market and trade: subsidy policies; emission standards; carbon trading; green loans; carbon financial products.
  4. 4.Waste reduction at sources: feed and feeding optimization; facility improvement; precision feeding; manure management
  5. 5.Waste treatment technologies: aerobic fermentation; bedding material recycling; ectopic fermentation; storage fermentation; anaerobic
  6. fermentation, fertilizer making; solid and liquid waste-based fertilizer application; integrated environmental control; centralized (regional) treatment
  7. facilities.
  8. 6.Facilities for animal waste treatment, collection, and transportation; microbial products; odour control.
  9. 7. Integration of livestock and crop farming: nutrient utilization; energy utilization


VI. Animal Heath and Disease Control

  1. 1.Emerging animal diseases
  2. 2.Disease surveillance and eradication: regulations and strategies
  3. 3.Biosafety in modern livestock operations
  4. 4.Disease transmission: mechanisms, management, and modeling
  5. 5.Managing disease outbreaks – emergency plans and responses
  6. 6.Vaccination for disease prevention


VII. Rural Revitalization and Livestock Farming

  1. 1.Positive role of livestock farming in rural revitalization
  2. 2.Social impact of livestock farming in rural communities
  3. 3.Land use planning and optimal usage of land
  4. 4.Successful models of livestock farming in revitalizing rural communities’
  5. 5.Societal and consumer aspects of livestock farming


March 31, 2025:

Deadline for abstract submission
April 25, 2025:  Notification of abstract acceptance
June 30, 2025:  

Deadline for initial full paper submission

August 1, 2025: Reviews provided to corresponding author
August 31, 2025:  Deadline for full paper to be included in the proceedings
October 20-23,2025 :   Holding of ISAEW 2025


October 20, Monday

Onsite Registration

October 21, Tuesday

Morning: Opening ceremony; plenary sessions with invited speakers
Afternoon: Concurrent technical sessions

October 22, Wednesday

Morning: Plenary sessions with invited speakers
Afternoon: Concurrent technical sessions; Closing ceremony


Sponsored by

International Research Center for Animal Environment and Welfare (IRCAEW)

Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (CSAE)

China Agricultural University (CAU)

Co-Sponsored by

International Cooperation Committee of Animal Welfare (ICCAW)

Animal Waste Utilization Branch, Beijing Association of Low Carbon Agriculture

Hosted by

Chongqing Academy of Animal Sciences (CAAS)

National Center of Technology Innovation for Pigs

Key Lab of Agricultural Engineering in Structure and Environment of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, PRC

Key Lab of Swin Sciences of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, PRC


Ms. Wen Liu

Department of Foreign Affairs

Chongqing Academy of Animal Sciences, No. 51, Changlong Road, Rongchang, Chongqing

Cell: +86 13983637816; Fax: +86 23 46792348; Email: 1127980958@qq.com

Dr. Weichao Zheng

Department of Agricultural Structure and Bioenvironmental Engineering

China Agricultural University, Mail Box 67, Beijing 100083, China

Cell: +86 13811997928; Fax: +86 10 62736904; Email: weichaozheng@cau.edu.cn